
The sourcing of energy from renewable sources is here to stay whatever question marks hang over the future of the system of cash support. The dangers of climate change are too important to ignore. But in a period of uncertainty it is more important than ever to invest in the most efficient form of renewable technology. We aim to provide information to allow you to make the best choices.

Rich source of low carbon energy right under our feet

Geothermal Energy Resource Map of Ireland showing estimated temperatures of the Earth's crust at 2.5 km depth. Courtesy of Ben Mather, EarthByte Group, University of Sydney and Geological Survey Ireland

As we cast around for ways to decarbonise our economy, we would do well to look at the ground beneath our feet. Deep down under the earth Northern Ireland has abundant reserves of geothermal energy. And it’s being more widely recognised that it is both technically and financially feasible ...

Published on 23/12/2020
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Comparing central heating costs

For the vast majority of people, no matter what you use to heat your house you are exposed to a greater or lesser extent on world fuel prices. The fluctuations in these costs will determine whether you find yourself paying an increasing or decreasing amount to keep your home warm.

Earlier this year those households using home heating oil got a huge boost as the cost of crude dropped sharply. The oil price has recovered somewhat but has still not returned to where it was at the start of the ye...

Last updated on 29/10/2020
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SONI sees key role for offshore wind in future power mix

Offshore wind generation has a vital role to play in Northern Ireland's contribution to the battle against global warming, according to the organisation which oversees the electricity transmission system here. In its recent publication, Tomorrow's Energy Scenarios NI, SONI has outlined three separate pathways towards the decarbonisation of the local economy. The most ambitious programme envisages reaching a net zero emissions power system by 2040 in spite of the grid having to cater for greatly ...

Published on 17/08/2020
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Repowering Kilroot with gas turbines boosts security of supply but Grid Operator still stresses importance of N/S Interconnector

The SONI Managing Director welcomes the upcoming conversion of Kilroot Power Station from coal to gas. Jo Aston says the development will help reduce our carbon footprint and secure longterm jobs. Acknowledging that the installation at the site of two Open Cycle Gas Turbines with a combined capacity of over of 400MW will bring NI great security of supply, she nevertheless says it's still very important to build a new North South Interconnector to support the drive to net zero carbon by 2050.

Published on 11/06/2020
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Professor calls for halt to new fossil fuel development

Geraint Ellis, a Professor in the School of Natural and Built Environment at Queen's University, has expressed his opposition to a further extension of the natural gas network and the creation of more power stations. In an interview with, he says there are renewable energy alternatives. More broadly he stresses the importance of linkages between the Department for the Economy's energy strategy and the actions of other government departments.

Published on 22/05/2020
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Fall in demand limited size of Power NI price cut

The Electricity Regulator has welcomed the near 5% reduction in Power NI's tariff. The decrease which will come into effect at the start of July will reduce the average household domestic electricity bill by close to £30. However Jenny Pyper says the cut would have been much more significant had it not been for a fall in total electricity demand as a result of Covid-19 which left fixed costs being smeared over a smaller number of units.

Published on 12/05/2020
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Head of NIRIG sets out ambitious target for renewable electricity

The head of NIRIG, Steven Agnew, says Northern Ireland should aim to generate 80% of its power needs from renewable electricity by 2030. The former Green Party leader also says NI will have to play its part along with the rest of the UK in reaching net zero carbon by 2050.

(See interview in video below)

Published on 06/05/2020
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Will the cost of electricity come down

On Sunday April 5, the main wholesale market here for electricity went negative. Instead of paying, people got paid, for taking supplies of power from the Day Ahead Market. Now that’s not that unusual. There have been short periods before where charges have gone negative. But this was the first time that it happened to the average price across an entire day But let’s not get too carried away. At the price recorded, acquiring each kWh put just 0.2 pence in the pockets of buyers. It hasn’t exactly...

Last updated on 16/04/2020
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Key Information


Electric cars, solar panels, ground source heat pumps and wood burning stoves. The ways to cut your contribution to global warming are many and growing. What should you do and how much will it cost you? Click here for advice, tips and debate.

Home heating costs compared

Switching from one form of central heating to another is a challenging decision. Should you stay or should you go. It’s worthwhile checking how different fuels compare in price though past results are no guarantee of future performance.

Compare Prices

Our calculator will assist you search for the tariff that suits your needs. Just answer the questions to find out how suppliers are ranked on cost. Then check what bonuses and penalties may apply. But before switching, you should read our terms and condit

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